MQI Overseas, All News

An Evening of Spiritual Excellence

It may be the end of the blessed month of Rabi al-Awwal but most certainly not the end of Mawlid un-Nabi (saw). Alhamdulillah, Minhaj ul-Qur'an London Islamic & Cultural Centre was graced by the... Read More

A big Thank You to the Irish media & rally against Islamophobia

"The first message that we want to send to the country is that of the legitimate voice of the Muslim community (as opposed to those that hijacked last week's demonstration outside the Danish embassy... Read More

Shaykh-ul-Islam leaves for Yemen

Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has left for Yemen to attend an international Islamic conference taking place on the 29th of January 2006. The conference has been organised by Shaykh Habib... Read More

Avrupa Turk-Islamic Birligi (Atib) and Union of Turkish Islamic Cultural Associationin Europe's Delegation Will Celebrate Eid Ul Adha with the Earthquake Victims

A six member delegation of Avrupa Turk-Islamic Birligi (ATIB) and Union of Turkish Islamic Cultural Association In Europe visited Minhaj ul Quran International`s secretariat in Pakistan on Friday,... Read More

Sisters Spiritual Training Camp

Alhamdulillah, by the blessings of Allah (Subhana wa tala) and The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihi wa sallim), the second Mujlis (spiritual gathering) for women was arranged on the 30th of December... Read More

Medical Team Arrives From Greece

A team of 4 Greek arrived today in Islamabad to work in collaboration with MWF in Pakistan for the victims of the earthquake. The Greek team represents the pharmaceutical companies in Greece. MWF... Read More

Grand UK Conference 2005, Central Manchester Mosque

Alhamdu Lillah the conference entitled Miraj-un-Nabi Conference, was a great success. The organizers are very happy with how it went. The mosque was full to its capacity with the public turnout... Read More

Grand UK Conference 2005, Central Manchester Mosque

Alhamdu Lillah the conference entitled Miraj-un-Nabi Conference, was a great success. The organisers are very happy with how it went. The mosque was full to its capacity with the public turnout... Read More

Open Heart Surgery

Open Heart Surgery

Setting off from London Islamic Cultural Centre we were about to embark on our spiritual journey of Al Hidaya camp 2005, on our quest for thirst of knowledge. And in search of classical and... Read More

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair visits Minhaj-ul-Quran London

British Muslim youngsters and Minhaj-ul-Quran (MQI) leaders welcomed the visit of Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair to the mosque of Minhaj-ul-Quran International on Friday the 15th... Read More

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair visits Minhaj-ul-Quran London

British Muslim youngsters and Minhaj-ul-Quran (MQI) leaders welcomed the visit of Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair to the mosque of Minhaj-ul-Quran International on Friday the 15th... Read More

United in Jihad on Terror

The shocking news of the London bombings came at time when the happiness for the Londoners was at a peak after successfully winning the bid to host the Olympic Games 2012. The attack has been termed... Read More

Special Friday Prayer for London bomb victims

Minhaj-ul-Qur`an International (MQI) UK and its associate organisation Minhaj Welfare Foundation (MWF) have condemned the series of barbaric attacks in the UK`s capital city London, in the strongest... Read More