MWL News

Women better placed to promote constructive values: Mrs. Ghazala Hassan Qadri

On Thursday, the 3rd of May, Member of Supreme Council of MQI, Mrs. Ghazala Hassan Qadri, visited the secretariat of Minhaj-ul-Quran International Amager. President of Minhaj Women League, Najma... Read More

Humanity has shared stakes in future: Mrs. Ghazala Hassan Qadri

On the 3rd of May 2012, a training session was organized in the North West Centre of MQI Denmark for Minhaj Women & Youth League North West and Minhaj Women & Youth League Valby, in which a talk was... Read More

Mrs. Ghazala Hassan Qadri visits secretariat of MQI Copenhagen

Member Supreme Council Minhaj-ul-Quran International Mrs. Ghazala Hassan Qadri, visited the secretariat of Minhaj-ul-Quran, Northwest Copenhagen on the 2nd of May. On this occasion, President of... Read More

Mrs. Ghazala Hassan Qadri reaches Denmark

Member Supreme Council of Minhaj-ul-Quran International Mrs. Ghazala Hassan Qadri arrived in Denmark on the 2nd of May for a four day tour. She was greeted at the airport by executive members of... Read More

Sister Ghazala speaks at Texas Mawlid Celebration-2012

Sister Ghazala Hassan Qadri highlighted the importance of the love of the Holy Prophet by explaining that if we are consumed with his love, then his likes become our likes, and his dislikes become... Read More

Milad-un-Nabi Conference held in Norway

Sister Ghazala Hassan Qadri explained that the importance of the love of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) equalling it that of a spirit in our body. The same way the spirit of the body of Deen is Love of The... Read More

Grand Finale of the MYL-S Executive Tour

The grand finale of the Muslim Youth League UK – Sisters Executive Tour took place in Birmingham. The Birmingham sisters had made all the necessary arrangements at the Saltley Leisure Centre.

MYL–S (UK) Executive tours Newham

Under the leadership of the local coordinator, Anbreen Hussain, the Newham sisters had made all the necessary arrangements at the Minhaj-ul-Quran International Centre on Romford Road. Present on the... Read More

MYL-S emphasizes team effort for maximum output

The Executive of the MYL– Sisters (UK) made their way to Halifax for the second leg of the fourth week of their tour. Greeted by beautiful scenery as they entered the small town, the Executives... Read More

MYL-S (UK) launches final tour

The final week of the Muslim Youth League UK – S Executive tour started off in Walsall, a small town in the West Midlands. Under the leadership of the local Coordinator, Yasmin Hussain, the Walsall... Read More

MYL-S Huddersfield Sisters holds Circle

After a boost from the Muslim Youth League UK – Sisters executive team, on Saturday 7th of April MYL-S Huddersfield had their first sisters’ circle. A total of 15 sisters attended. The circle... Read More

MYL-S tours Waltham Forest

The fifth weekend of the Executive tour coincided with the Easter weekend and the Executive made their way to Waltham Forest in London. Under the leadership of the local coordinator Humaira Ali, the... Read More

MYL-S holds program in Yorkshire

Sheffield, South Yorkshire was the first stop of the MYLUK-S Executive tour during the fourth week. Local coordinators Asima Zahir booked the Sharrow Community Forum, Old Junior School for the event.... Read More