A welcome Ramadhan programme was organized at Walsall by Minhaj Women League. It was a great success and turned out to be a very beautiful and spiritual
gathering. There were several sisters reciting naats and a group of lovely little girls, who regularly attend the program, performed a nasheed that everyone enjoyed.
There was a very informative presentation made by the MYL-S Walsall about the works of Minhaj welfare Foundation delivered by Sister Yasmin. She also delivered a thought provoking speech on the commanding self and how we can control our worldly desires by the dhikr of Allah.The programme was chaired by Sister Nasreen. Sister Shamaila delivered a speech in Urdu on the virtues and benefits of fasting, and sister Ranii recited verses from Saif-ul- Malook, and also salat-o-salaam at the end.Sister Zahra awakened the hearts with her dhikr and Sister Noor Fatima brought tears to our eyes with her heart touching Dua. Ms Mussarat was greatly missed as she has gone to Pakistan to see her mother who isn’t very well, but we received a surprise phone call from her which everyone heard live.
Reported By: Mozzam Raza