MWL News

Denmark Visit: Dr Ghazala Qadri holds meeting with MWL Odense

Dr. Ghazala Qadri met with the representatives of Minhaj Women League Odense in Copenhagen, Denmark and President MWL Odense Sara Yusuf gave a report of their activities. Dr. Ghazala appreciated the... Read More

Denmark Visit: Dr Ghazala Qadri holds meeting with MWL & MS Sweden

Dr. Ghazala Qadri met with representative of Minhaj Women League and Minhaj Sisters Malmø, Sweden in Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. Ghazala appreciated the working reports presented to her by President... Read More

Dr Ghazala Qadri holds meeting with MWL & MS Denmark

Dr Ghazala Qadri had a meeting with the executive teams of Minhaj Women League and Minhaj Sisters Denmark in Minhaj ul Quran Amager Center. President MWL Amager Mrs. Najma Murtaza thanked Dr. Ghazala... Read More

Al-Tazkiya 2023 – Day 3

Al-Tazkiya 2023 – Day 3

Dr Ghazala’s fourth talk with the participants of Al-Tazkiya 2023 was about the purpose of our lives. She explained how there are rights and responsibilities owed to Allah (Huquq ul Allah) and... Read More

Al-Tazkiya 2023 - SESSION 4 - What is the purpose of life?

Dr Ghazala Qadri 's fourth talk with the participants of the Al-Tazkiya 2023 Retreat was about the purpose of our lives. She explained how there are rights and responsibilities owed to Allah... Read More

Al-Tazkiya 2023 – Day 2: Dr Ghazala Qadri delivers lecture on 'Respect, Reverance and ettiquette for the Companions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)'

In this talk Dr Ghazala Qadri further delves into the protocol implemented by Allah (swt) regarding the special status of the Holy Prophet (saw).

Al-Tazkiya 2023 - Dr Ghazala Qadri delivers lecture on 'Respect and Reverence for the Holy Prophet (pbuh)'

Al-Tazkiya 2023 - Dr Ghazala Qadri delivers a lecture on 'Respect and Reverence for the Holy Prophet (pbuh)'. In this talk Dr Ghazala further delved into the protocol implemented by Allah... Read More

Canada: Dr Ghazala Qadri holds meeting with MWL Executive GTA Toronto

Meeting of the Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League Executive GTA Toronto was held with Dr Ghazala Qadri. The meeting was attended by executive members and members of the senior advisory council. Sr. Shazia... Read More

The Hague: Mawlid-un-Nabi (PBUH) Conference held

By the Grace of Almighty Allah (SWT) and His Beloved Prophet (PBUH), Minhaj Women and Sisters League (The Hague, Netherlands) organized a Mahfil-e-Milad-un-Nabi (pbuh) named... Read More

Team-building key to achievement of organizational targets: Dr Ghazala Qadri

In the meeting, Dr Ghazal Qadri underlined the need for team-building in order to achieve organizational goals. She said that people have disparate dispositions and thinking patterns.

Europe Visit 2022: Dr Ghazala Qadri holds meeting with MWL Italy, North Zone

Dr. Ghazala Qadri, President MWL International, had a meeting with Minhaj ul Quran Women league Italy North Zone tanzeemaat followed by lunch with their city teams. Sr. Basima Hassan Qadri also... Read More

Holland: Dr Ghazala Qadri holds meetings with women wings

In her recent visit to Holland, President MWL International Dr. Ghazala Qadri held meetings with Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League, Minhaj Sisters and Education Committee of the Hague, Holland. Sr. Basima... Read More

UK: Dr Ghazala Qadri holds session with Minhaj Sisters Midlands Zone

President MWL International Dr. Ghazala Qadri had a meeting with Minhaj Sisters of Midlands zone, which was followed by a lecture on the importance of time management and its better utilization. Sr.... Read More