MWL News

Special celebratory award ceremony & development workshop held

Minhaj Sisters UK North Zone this past year has been conducting various programmes across multiple cities including, Manchester, Sheffield, Nelson, and Halifax. The main aim has been to develop... Read More

Character-building should be our top-priority: Fizzah Hussain Qadri

Mrs. Fizzah Hussain Qadri held meetings and sessions with Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League (Victoria, Australia) during her visit to Australia. She met with the newly constituted executive team of MWL... Read More

Dr Ghazala Qadri meets MWL Scotland Zone

In a meeting with Minhaj Women League Scotland Zone, Dr. Ghazala Qadri and Sr. Basima Hassan Qadri were briefed about the current work being carried out by MWL Scotland. Dr Ghazala congratulated them... Read More

Al-Tarbiyah 2022 | Lecture | Day 3

While addressing the camp's last day session, Dr. Ghazala Qadri explained the sly and clever nature of Nafs and Shaytan that first they become obedient towards you, help you in dawah and hide behind... Read More

Al-Tarbiyah 2022 (Day 2): Dr Ghazala Qadri delivers lecture on 'Importance of a Jamaat'

In the first session of Al-Tarbiyah Day 2, Dr Ghazala Qadri delivered her talk on the importance of a Jama'at. Relating it to yesterday's talk which was about giving dawah, she emphasized on the... Read More

Dr. Ghazala Qadri addresses Al-Tarbiyah Camp 2022 in Barcelona, Spain | DAY 1

On the first day of Al-Tarbiyah Camp, Dr. Ghazala Qadri delivered lecture on the importance of being connected to Minhaj-ul-Quran, serving the Deen and Dawah work by spreading the message of the Holy... Read More

UK: Dr. Ghazala Qadri addresses Awards and Recognition ceremony

While addressing the Awards and Recognition ceremony organized under the aegis of MWL UK, Dr Ghazala Qadri was greatly appreciative of all the sisters for organising the event successfully,... Read More

UK: Dr Ghazala Qadri meets with MWL Midland team

In the meeting with MWL UK executive team in Birmingham, Dr Ghazala Qadri was briefed on the annual progress of MWL UK's working and achievements by the relevant Zonal Presidents. Dr Ghazala... Read More

Denmark: MWL office-bearers call on Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri

Chairman Supreme Council, Minhaj-ul-Quran International, Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri met with the office bearers and workers of Minhaj Women's League & Minhaj Sister's League at NV Center, Denmark.... Read More

No society can progress without women's role: Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri

Chairman Supreme Couuncil (MQI), Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri met with the office-holders of Minhaj Women League Mönchengladbach and Germany. He congratulated the entire team for their progress and... Read More

Islam has given women equal rights: Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri

Chairman Supreme Council, MQI, Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri met with the office-holders of Minhaj Women League and Minhaj Sisters League Stockholm, Sweden. Dr Hassan congratulated the entire team for... Read More

Discipline is key to the attainment of organizational goals: Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri

MWL Mönchengladbach Germany organized a special session with the Chairman Supreme Council, MQI Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri. President MQI Germany Mian Imran ul Haq, President MWL Germany Uzma... Read More

Annual Mawlid-un-Nabi (pbuh) gathering held under MWL Dundee

Minhaj Women League Dundee organised an annual Mawlid gathering at Jami' Masjid Bilal Dundee. The program was hosted by Ustaza Faiza Adeel Qasmi (General Secretary MWL Dundee) Beautiful recitation of... Read More