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Live Webcast: Shaykh-ul-Islam’s Struggle Against Radicalism in Islam

Shaykh-ul-Islam’s lecture at the United States Institute of Peace on the subject of Shaykh Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri’s Struggle against Radicalism in Islam will be webcast live beginning at... Read More

MQI Austria’s President meets Austrian Interior Minister

Khawaja Muhammad Nasim, president MQI Austria, called on Austrian Interior Minister Madam Fekter last week. The core theme of this round-table discussion was “Social Integration of Muslims in... Read More

A delegation of International Committee for Red Cross Lahore visits Central Secretariat of MQI

Headed by Mr. Lawrence Oberhaus, the International Committee for the Red Cross Lahore visited the Central Secretariat of Minhaj-ul-Quran International in Model Town the other day and held a meeting... Read More

A Birmingham moot eulogizes Shaykh-ul-Islam’s services

A large of number of distinguished religious scholars, intellectuals and local jurists met on October 18, 2010 to pay tribute to Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri for his scholarly and... Read More

MQI Berlin delegation visits Central Secretariat

A six-member delegation of Minhaj-ul-Quran International Berlin paid a visit to the central secretariat of MQI in Lahore on October 21, 2010. The delegation consisted of Faiz Ahmad, Khizer Hayat... Read More

Minhaj Reconciliation Council arranged iftar party

Keeping up its tradition, the Minhaj Reconciliation Council arranged an iftar party this year as well on September 7, 2010. The party was arranged in the mosque. Non-Muslims too were invited to... Read More

Minhaj Women League (France) organizes fund-raiser

On the occasion of the Eid ul Fitr, Minhaj Woman League France organized a very warmful Eid Milan Party on 26th September. The program was hosted by Mrs Mumtaz Malik. It began with the recitation of... Read More

Director MWF Europe visits MQI Austria

On 10th of September Eid day was celebrated in Austria. A large number of Pakistanis were gathered at Minhaj-ul-Quran Centre to attend the Eid prayer. Allama Hafiz Iqbal Azam delivered a detailed... Read More

Chand Raat Fundraiser

Chand Raat Fundraiser

As Eid drew near, keeping the victims of the floods in mind, the Women League of Glasgow organised a Chand Raat fundraiser. Maheen Kauser, Ambreen Mehmood and Sanam Arshad spent the three days... Read More

United Religions Initiatives (URI) protest against 'burn Quran' plan; condemn it as shameful act

The URI Pakistan held a demonstration rally at Lahore Press Club against the Burning of “Holy Quran” on 9th of September 2010.The protest was attended by Bishop Samuel Robert Azriah, Moderator... Read More

Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri urges the US Government to stop 'Burn Quran Day' in a letter to President Obama

In the letter Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri wrote that "If this event is allowed to take place it will not be less than ‘9/11’ in the sense of its consequences and after-effects." He wrote that "It will not... Read More

Minhaj Youth League (MYL) Norway holds Iftar dinner

On September 3, 2010, MYL Norway invited the Muslim students to an Iftar dinner. About 220 participated. It is heartening that the number has exceeded compared with the participation last year. MYL... Read More

German TV Channel ZDF organizes a Live Program for flood affected in Pakistan

Hilfe für Pakistan (Help for Pakistan) was the Motto of this Program, which was organized and live transmitted on German TV 26.08.2010 at 20:15 Hours. The program was conducted by Peter Frey (Chief... Read More