Shaykh Hammad Mustafa Qadri addresses Youth Development Program 2020

Shaykh Hammad Mustafa Qadri addresses Youth Development Program 2020

Shaykh Hammad Mustafa Qadri addressed more than 150 youths across Europe during an online seminar for Youth Development Program 2020, which was organized by Minhaj Youth League Europe.

The webinar was on the topic of futuwwa (chivalry) and suhba (company). Shaykh Hammad Qadri delivered a discourse upon the former topic from Imam 'Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami's work al-Muqaddimah fi al-Tasawwuf and Prophetic narrations (Ahadith al Nabawi ﷺ) upon the latter topic of suhba and how to apply these spiritual concepts to a contemporary setting.

Shaykh Hammad Qadri then further categorized the characteristics of al-Futuwwa into four categories of
1. The generosity of the Heart
2. Discipline and Accountability
3. Focusing on Self-Accountability
4. Loving the Unseen

Part 1

Part 2
