Miraj un Nabi and The Message of Peace Conference 2008

A grand "Meraj un Nabi and Message of Peace" Conference was held under the aegis of the son of Huzoor Shaykh-ul-Islam, Sahibzada Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri and Secretary General of Minhaj ul Quran International, Dr. Raheeq Ahmad Abbasi.

The event was attended by various MQI leaders from Europe, along with prominent leaders of other religious, political, and social organisations in Denmark. Among these was, Allama Hassan Mir Qadri, Director of the MQI European Council. Syed Muhammad Arshad Shah, President of MQI European Council. Haji Muhammad Gulzar and Haji Muhammad Hameed from France. Allama Muhammad Abdullah, Imam and Director of Al-Raabita Mosque, Copenhagen, and various others. Allama Hassan Mir Qadri spoke to the large gathering about the message of Minhaj ul Quran International and the work of Shaykh ul Islam to the Ummah as a whole. 

This conference was attended by close to a thousand people in Noerrebro, a suburban part of Copenhagen, Denmark. Under the title of Meraj-un-Nabi SAW and the Message of Peace, former and current students from Al-Farghana Institute in Denmark, brother Qaisar Najeeb, sister Nargis Zahoor Ahmad, and the principal of Al-Farghana Institute Dr.Nadeem Asim, held speeches in Danish, defining the message of Meraj-un-Nabi SAW, the message of peace and love in the Journey to the Heavens performed by our Holy Prophet SAW, the concept of peace in Islam, and the struggle of Minhaj Ul Quran International for the propagation of peace. Tranquillity and harmony within the Muslim Ummah, as well as, between other faiths and religions.

Along with large book stalls and DVD sale of Shaykh ul Islams speeches and lectures, large amounts of refreshments and water was continuously made available to the audience throughout the program. Separate preparations had been made for children’s play area. 

Sahibzada Hassan Mohi ud Din Qadri and Dr. Raheeq Ahmad Abbasi arrived as the honorary guests, and were welcomed by warm-hearted chants by the large number of poople gathered at the event. As Sahibzada sahib and Nazim-e-Aala sahib were seated upon the stage a warm welcome in English was given in English by the stage secretaries, Brother Faisal Najeeb from Muslim Youth League and in Danish by Sister Aminah Ishaq Rana from Women Youth League. After the recital of Nasheeds by various children and youths from Minhaj ul Quran Educational Centre, Dr. Raheeq Ahmad Abbasi sahib held an extraordinary speech, shedding light upon various aspects of Meraj un Nabi SAW, its relation to our everyday life, and the global mission of Minhaj ul Quran International. Its propagation of peace and struggle against the challenges we face as Muslims in the West.

As the hall reached its maximum capacity and extra seating had to be arranged to accommodate people, Sahibzada Hassan Mohi ud Din Qadri sahib was invited to the podium to deliver their eagerly-awaited speech and lecture. Sahibzada sahib delivered a powerful, revitalising and enlightening speech on the spiritual and metaphorical aspects and interpretation of Meraj un Nabi SAW. They spoke of the different stages of the Journey, its spiritual, metaphorical, and physical importance.

Analysing the various aspects of our Prophet’s SAW Journey, Sahibzada sahib described in a detailed and eloquent manner the significance of Meraj un Nabi SAW in numerous contexts. Everyone present seemed to be spellbound by the speech as Sahibzada sahib continued on to speak about the importance of attaching ourselves to the Quran and Sunnah through undivided love for the Holy Prophet SAW. How Minhaj ul Quran International provides Muslims with the necessary nourishment, vitality and strength needed for us to cope with the challenges we face. And the future challenges of the generations to come. How Huzoor Shaykh ul Islam has devoted his life to propagate the forgotten teachings of our Holy Prophet SAW, and to rectify the misunderstood and misconceived concepts of Islam.  

After the speech by Sahibzada Hassan Mohi ud Din Qadri, the program was concluded with Dua by Allama Syed Ghulam Mustafa Bukhari, and food and beverages was distributed to all the attendants as they left the hall.


