For he was born to grace our Spring
With lilies, flowers, life's rebirth
In a dome of green like his on earth
By the Grace of Allah Almighty and the waseela of our beloved Rasool sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the blessings of our Quaid Huzoor Shaykh-ul-Islam his eminence Prof .Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri a mehfil was organised in celebration of the birth of the Holy Prophet (SAW) by women league and youth league in Idara minhaj-ul-quran, Valby.
The program began with the divine words of Allah almighty with the recitation of the Holy Quran -Surah Yaseen - by Sister Maida Shah followed by a taiblu hamd - Allah hai bas pyaar hi pyaar – performed by Warda and group. Praises for the Holy Prophet (SAW) were among other recited by sister Shabana Isa, Mrs. Kaukab Uppal sahiba, Mrs. Rena Shah sahiba, sister Shamila Quraishi. The host of the program was Sister Hafiza Nargis Z. Ahmed, (WYL, Info. Secret.) who conducted the program in Urdu with beautiful poems to enlighten our hearts with the Love of our beloved Rasool (SAW).

There was a large attendance of more than 400 youth and women who were gathered to participate in the Mawlud-un-Nabi (SAW).

- Between 6- 10 years old
1st Warda Yasin (Urdu)
2nd Samia Nasir (Danish) and Samia Nisa (Urdu)
3rd Jawairia Shah (Urdu)
Between 11- 15 years old
1st Iqrah Aslam (Urdu)
2nd Benish (Danish)
3rd Kommel Khawar (Urdu)

We would like to thank all those who did a great effort to make this Mawlud-un-Nabi (SAW) a success - specially our judges, who came all the way to attend this program. May Allah (swt) accept our efforts and give us Hidaya to organise more blessed Mawlud-un-Nabi (SAW) programmes in the future Insha-Allah. AmeenBajahay Sayyadil Mursalin (SAW).
Report by Faiza K. Ahmad and Hafiza Nargis Z. Ahmed.
(WYL, Information Secretary, Copenhagen, Denmark)