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am pleased to send greetings to the Minhaj-ul-Quran International Peace for Humanity
Your activities are also relevant to global efforts to respond to the threat posed by terrorism. Muslims have been among those hardest-hit by this scourge. At the same time, a very small minority of Muslims have perverted their faith to justify heinous acts, prompting calls for Muslims to condemn terrorism and suicide bombings. These calls have been answered in part by your founder, Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri, through his historic Fatwa on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings. This and other works of Islamic scholarship can help counter those who twist the tenets of Islam to justify criminal and inhumane acts.
I hope you will join these efforts, using your consultative status at the United Nations to participate in our work.
Ban Ki-Moon Secretary General United Nations
for Humanity is the most urgent and dire need of our time. No nation or community
can fulfil the requirements of this huge task alone. It requires a community or
global organisations working for peace, together. The grand institution of Al-Azhar
and its graduates all over the world (World Association for Azhar Graduates) have
always advocated and promoted the policy of “Peace for Allâ€. I and Al-Azhar
University are fully versed with the works of Minhaj-ul-Quran International and
its leader and founder Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri. We have supported
and will continue to support and work with them to promote peace, counter extremism
and build international bridges between the nations, faiths and communities.
This Peace for Humanity Conference is pivotal at this moment in time and we support the cause and efforts of Minhaj-ul-Quran International and Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri whole heartedly. We pray to Allah Almighty for the success of this conference and our cooperation will remain available to all who work for Harmony until the Message of Mercy, Love and Peace of our Beloved Prophet ( peace be upon Him) is reached to every one effusively.
Shaykh al Azhar, Professor Dr. Muhammad Ahmed
(Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University)
gives me great pleasure to learn that the Minhaj-ul-Quran International UK will
be hosting its first international conference under the theme “Peace for Humanity”
on September 24, 2011.It is encouraging to note that the Conference would be deliberating
on promoting peace, tolerance and religious moderation with the British Islamic
Community. This is in confirmity with the guiding princples of moderation and modernization
followed by the OIC.
I would like to congratulate the Minhaj-ul-Quran International UK for taking this timely and praiseworthy initiative. I am confident that the Peace for Humanity Conference will be successful in coming up with concrete and contructive recommendations towards this end.”
(Extracts from message of support)
Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary General of OIC
communities have important role in striving for the public good and creating the
Big Society – a society in which people come together, and work collaboratively
to improve their communities and neighbourhoods. I commend Minhaj-ul-Quran’s active
engagement with communities, including with so many young people. Championing the
values of peaceful coexistence, tolerance and equality has seldom been more important
and Minhaj-ul-Quran can be proud of its efforts in promoting and fostering good
relations. I wish your Conference every success.
David Cameron, British Prime Minister
Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri. I am delighted to have the opportunity to send this
message to you today. We’re not living in easy times, troubles in the economy,
over the summer riots on our streets, continued upheaval across the Arab world.
Events that history shows can lead to tensions within our own society. That can
create fertile ground for those wishing to spread hate and extremism.
So your conference today is even more important than usual. Coming together to talk openly and candidly about the issues that can divide people but crucially the values that unite us too, tolerance, human rights, peace, and belief in opportunity for all, a faith in young people and their potential to learn from our mistakes, from the mistakes of the past, to help tackle discrimination and prejudice, building communities that are strong, where we take on our problems together.
I want to congratulate you on being granted special consultative status by the United Nations, it’s a huge honour, one you richly deserve and one that gives an even louder voice in the world. Today I hope you take time to celebrate that success and I wish you all the best not just for the conference but for the future too. Thank you.
Nick Clegg, British Deputy Prime Minister
a privilege for me to be able to send a message to your Peace and Humanity Conference
This important initiative is so necessary for our society because your values of
tolerance, understanding and of bringing people together including young people
is exactly what our society needs.
A month or so ago we saw the terrible riots that affected some of our major cities but what we also saw was the vast majority of people, right across this country, coming out, cleaning up and saying, 'no' to the violence that we saw on our streets.
It's exactly that message of peace, harmony and working together that I know your conference is designed to promote. And indeed the way you come at the issues that you'll be talking about today, your faith, is such an important part of British life. And I pride the fact that Britain and indeed the Labour party embraces people of different faiths and of different backgrounds and that by and large Britain works together and people live together in harmony. And I know that is a message that you are trying to promote. So congratulations on your conference.
I look forward to hearing about your discussions. And I look forward to your organisations going from strength to strength.
Ed Miliband, Leader of the Opposition
proud to live in a country with some of the most diverse faith communities in the
world. Faith enriches Britain; it inspires people to want to do good for their neighbours.
Each church, mosque, synagogue or temple I have ever visited is rooted in this and
seeking to do good for the wider local community. Whatever their differences there’s
far more that unites people of different faiths than divides them, commitment to
public good, compassion, justice, respect. It was inspiring this summer to see the
way faith groups came together to clear up after the riots, sweeping the streets
side by side. In Southall while Muslims prayed in the mosques, members of the Sikh
community watched guard outside. This gives me great optimism for the future.
I want to live in a country where everyone is at ease with faith, where people of all faiths and those of none are proud to play their part in making their community and their country a better place. That is why this conference today is so important.
I commend Dr. Qadri’s hard work to built trust and mutual respect between people. I’m sorry I can’t be with you but I have huge admiration for what you are trying to do and I wish you every success
Eric Pickles, Secretary of State for Communities
very great pleasure for me to send greetings to the Minhaj-ul-Quran gathering at
this time. This network of people plays a crucial role in building security, understanding
and true faith in our world. And the witness and the work of Shaykh Tahir-ul-Qadri
has been a great example to many of us. In context of Pakistan he has worked tirelessly
to promote understanding and tolerance – a true pluralism in which people are
able to give thanks for each-others integrity and each-others faith. ……… My prayer
is that love and that grace will be richly at work among you in your meeting.”
(Extracts from Video message from)
Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury
Coexistence Trust welcomes the Peace for Humanity conference – a worthwhile and
vital initiative which will contribute significantly to building networks of trust
and understanding. We look forward to collaborating with Minhaj-ul-Quran in promoting
our message of ‘respect, empowerment and change’ amongst Muslim and Jewish students
in the UK.”
Lord Parry Mitchell, Chairman The Coexistence Trust
commend the work Minhaj-ul-Quran International UK are doing for community cohesion
on London particularly through your work engaging with young Muslim for religious
moderation, promoting women’s rights and providing social welfare and the promotion
of human rights. The Muslim community in London has made a huge contribution to
the economic, social and cultural life of London and I would like to see it continue
and thrive.
I hope that the Peace for Humanity Conference is a fantastic success and would like to take this opportunity to extend my warmest good wishes to all connected with Minhaj-ul-Quran International UK and wish you the very best with your future endeavours.”
Boris Johnson, Mayor of London
plays a very positive role in the community I represent in East London, encouraging
young people and bringing people together across the faith groups. Under the leadership
of Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, it has been promoting peace, integration and religious
moderation. The Peace for Humanity Conference is intended to engage with young people
to promote its vital message of peace, love and mercy. I wish Minhaj-ul-Quran every
success with this important conference.”
Stephen Timms, Labour MP for East Ham
have supported the work of Shaykh Tahir-ul-Qadri and the Minhaj-ul-Quran International
for a number of years and recognise the contribution that is being made to encourage
open-mindedness, acceptance and patience, especially with younger members of our
I am therefore very pleased to send this message of support for their The Peace for Humanity Conference. The Conference is an opportunity for individuals from all walks of life to join together, learn from each other and move towards greater understanding and respect for all society.
During his life, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), faced the same challenges as we do today. His wisdom and experience are just as relevant now as they have always been. We can all, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, continue to learn from his teachings. This Conference will help us to a greater understanding of our world and its peoples.”
Sajjad Karim, Conservative Party MEP
International is probably best known in the West for the incredibly important work
it is doing to tackle extremism by spreading the true message of Islam and the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). However, it is also doing some truly fantastic work in providing
humanitarian relief and development assistance right across the developing world
with a focus on improving access to education. As a member of the House of Common
International Development Committee, I have been left astounded not just by the
sheer scale of this grass roots community based organisation whose operations now
span 90 different countries, but also by the compassion and commitment shown by
its members towards achieving greater social justice. But then that is perhaps the
reason why Minhaj-ul-Quran International is such a successful organisation able
to command so much wide ranging support from all sections of British society. It
has my wholehearted support for its upcoming Peace for Humanity conference, which
I have no doubt will go a long way in fostering greater community cohesion in our
Anas Sarwar, Labour MP for Glasgow
“At a time when there is much conflict around the world, it is especially important that we promote moderation, integration and tolerance amongst all faiths. The Peace for Humanity Conference 2011 is an important step for Minhaj-ul-Quran International UK, which has done so much brilliant work recently to promote moderate Islam and interfaith cooperation. I support this Conference and its aims wholeheartedly.â€
Margot James, Conservative MP and Vice Chairman of Conservative Party
“The world stands in desperate need of true moral leadership. What better time for the religious leaders of this world to begin articulating, in a clear and unequivocal voice, a message of peace, harmony and mutual cooperation. The overwhelming majority of the people on this planet have shown that they are ready for such a message. Dr. Tahir al-Qadri, and all of those supporting this conference, have shown that they are ready to lead. Insha Allah, this conference will mark the beginning of a mighty moral movement.â€
Imam Zaid Shakir, Co-founder, Zaytuna College, U.S.A.
SWT referred to our beloved messenger, Mohammed (pbuh) as a ‘Mercy for Humanity’
a title which undoubtedly emulated his character and how he treated his fellow Muslims.
The message Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) left for humanity strongly project’s his Mercy,
Love, and Compassion.
For the past decade Minhaj-ul-Quran International have been striving to promote the importance of these ideals to its brothers and sisters in humanity. The organization has concentrated particularly on the idealistic and impressionable youth, teaching them the real Message of the Prophet (pbuh) which will lead them to be decent, productive and compassionate adults. At a time when Islam is being maligned and misrepresented, synonymous with words like violence and terrorism, we are grateful for such organizations which not only promote initiatives that educate the youth, but also counteract the negative myths about Islam. It is important to support the positive and exceptional work carried out by organizations like Minhaj-ul-Quran International.”
Muhammad Ali, CEO Islam Channel
Islamic Society of Britain is pleased to send a message of support for the Peace
for Humanity conference by Minhaj-ul-Quran. The Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon
him, was loved for his care and compassion, his honesty and integrity, his love
for peace and mercy. By flagging this up, this conference is performing a valuable
service to the name of the Prophet – a man that lived not just to help Muslims,
but all people. The yearning for peace for the whole of humanity must be central
to British Muslims as they think of what their faith means in the context of British
We wish you well for a great conference and for the relationships and joint working that can come from it.”
Dilwar Hussain, President, Islamic Society of Britain
is a timely conference that will portray a positive and loving message of Islam
to the British public. After a sad decade since 9/11 there is a real expectation
of warm relationships between the west and muslim world, this conference will help
towards that, Inshah Allah. Prof. Tahir-ul-Qadri has rejected the notion of clash
of civilizations and has embraced and promoted actively the idea of global Human
family, I pray for the success of this conference.”
Dr Musharraf Hussain Al-Azhari OBE, CEO of Karimia Institute
Peace for Humanity Conference works on the excellent work that Minhaj ul Quran has
been doing with young people and in guiding young people towards the straight path
of playing constructive roles in society. This has to be welcome and supported.â€
Fiyaz Mughal OBE, Faith Matters UK
City Circle is in support of initiatives for peace, that respect the dignity and
sacredness of human being through out the world. For Muslims the most beautiful
example was provided by the Prophet Muhammad, who was sent as a mercy to the worlds.
May this conference inspire and revive his spirit amongst us and strengthen our
characters so that we may be a force for a better more Just world.â€
Dr Rabia Malik, The City Circle
at The Association of British Muslims are looking forward to the Peace For Humanity
Conference 2011 – ‘Muhammad the Merciful’ organised by Minhaj-ul-Qur’an
International and the Al-Hidayah team. This conference will inshAllah build upon
the superb work of Minhaj both in the UK and overseas in developing community empowerment/engagement
and interfaith work – this conference will show how The Seal of the Prophets
– Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), his teachings and life are relevant not just to
Muslims but the wider society.”
Shiekh Daoud Rosser-Owen, Amir Association of British Muslims
is with great pleasure and honour that I write to offer my personal support to the
excellent initiative of Shaykh Professor Tahir-ul-Qadri and Minhaj-ul-Quran on
this inaugural Convention against extremism. It is vital that we stand together
against the evil of terrorism and not let the terrorist divide our diverse communities
and that is why we offer the support of the Ramadhan Foundation for this excellent
initiative. At a time when Muslims are labelled and harassed we know that
Muslims bring huge benefits to British society and we must proud of our achievements
but humbled by the challenges we face.We salute and pay tribute to Shaykh Tahir-ul-QadriÂ
for his vision and hard work over the past few decades, it is through that leadership
and inspiration that a strong positive voice is going out from the Muslim community.
 I warmly welcome this Convention and I am confident it will be a huge success.”
Shaykh Muhammad Umar, Chairman of Ramadhan Foundation
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sent as a mercy to all of humanity. In his time he tackled
all forms of prejudice including racism and misogyny as well as safeguarding the
rights of those most vulnerable including the poor, women, orphans and children.
At Inspire, we believe all members of society including women, are capable of playing
an important role in peace-building and in strengthening all communities. Inspire
would like to congratulate Minhaj-ul-Quran and Al-Hidayah on organising ‘Peace
for Humanity Conference.’ We hope you enjoy today’s conference and together
we can all follow the example of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) in bringing justice and
peace to all.”
Sara Khan, Director and Co-founder Inspire
seems to be a good opportunity for all of us especially our faith leaders to join
together to promote PEACE AND LEARN more about the moral dimension of Islam.
The ingredients of true leadership are not just about teaching but more about learning; the capacity to learn resides with us. One can not be a leader without followers. I have no doubt that the event will create the space for “leaders” and “followers ” to understand the real meaning of peace. As we are aware leaders are individuals who have decided to be true to themselves and have independence from the expectations of others. I hope and pray we will sow some good seeds towards building genuine trust and enjoy the harvest in the long term. Trust is neither a gift nor is it a talent – it must be earned. May it be a day for earning trust and uniting people to promote peace to promote peace.”
Gowri T. Pillai, Bridge Builders in Unity, London
Muhammad (pbuh) taught us compassion, love, kindness, equity, magnanimity, forgiveness
and gentleness to name but a few of his noble character traits. His character was
‘magnificent’, says the Quran. Let us go beyond the length of his beard and
emulate his qualities, revive his spirit today. Inshah Allah hope this is the first
of many great Peace for Humanity Conferences that bring Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
to life.”
Kristiane Backer, Author of ‘From MTV to Mecca’
“ Peace For Humanity Conference 2011†provides an outstanding opportunity for
Muslims and also non-Muslims to learn more about the life and example of the Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) with the benefit of the outstanding scholarship of
Shaykh ul Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri.
Many Muslims today profess their love of the Prophet (pbuh), and try to emulate his dress, while ignoring his message. The Prophet (pbuh) was slow to anger, kind to all, and respectful of Muslims and non-Muslims alike, and established a society which all were free to participate in.”
Mohammed Amin, Vice Chairman of the Conservative
Muslim Forum
(writing in a personal capacity)