Minhaj-ul-Quran International strongly condemned the act of terrorism and loss of 92 innocent people at the hands of a man named Andrew Behring Breivik. In this hour of grief and sorrow, a 20-member group of Minhaj-ul-Quran International (Norway) attended a condolence session organized in the remembrance of those killed in the attacks.
The delegation was led by Allama Noor Ahmad Noor, Ameer of Minhaj ul Quran
International Drammen and General Secretary Faiz-e-Alam Qadri. A large number of
people attended the session. Allama Noor Ahmad, while addressing, stated “This
act of terrorism is extremely terrible and cowardly. We stand by the entire
Norwegian nation in this hour of grief” He said, “I could not sleep for the
whole night on Friday due to extreme distress and sadness.” Secretary General
MQI Drammen, Faiz Alam Qadri also condemned this act of terrorism strongly and
said that only an enemy of humanity could do such an act.
The members of MQI delegation visited the hotel where family members of the victims were present. Allama Noor Ahmad and Faiz Alam Qadri stayed with the bereaved families for 3 days. During their visit, the delegation also met with various government representatives including Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Rigmor, Church Minister Matte Marit, Princess Hakkon, and the Prince of Norway Ghar.
On this occasion, office director of Norwegian Prime minister, the bereaved family members of the victims and government representatives thanked the MQI delegation for sharing their sorrow and staying with them. The Norwegian and other foreign media accorded special coverage to MQI delegation’s visit and appreciated the gesture of goodwill.