On March 16, a group of nine boys along with five adults set off from Head Quarters in Romford Road for the House of Commons. The boys were headed to meet local MP, Stephen Timms, so that they could present him with a colorful and evocative picture. Fourteen boys aged between six and fourteen worked together on the painting in the course of the Minhaj Art Class.
theme of the picture had been chosen by Mr. Stephen Timms, MP for New ham. He picked
the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) and ‘Aziz-e-Miser’ (Firaun) as his subject because
it is mentioned both in the Holy Quran and the Old Testament. Yusuf - or Joseph
as he is called in the Bible held a special significance for him, he said, because
faith had sustained Joseph through his trials and then his later success. Many people
had warned Stephen Timms that faith and politics do not mix, but he believes the
contrary to be true.The group was welcomed and entertained in Mr. Timms’ office
overlooking the Thamesin what used to be the old Scotland Yard building, haunt of
Sherlock Holmes .The MP seemed genuinely pleased by the painting. He asked each
boy about his contribution and showed exactly where he would hang it, replacing
a dull electoral map.Mr Timms had to make a short dash in the middle of the meeting
to vote on the new NHS bill in the House of Commons chamber. It brought to life
the parliamentary process which Siar Painda, one of the boys, memorably described
as a kind of ping pong between the Commons and the Lords. Ms Allegra Owen, who is
the Art Teacher at Minhaj ul Quran London for past five years, was also present
at the House of Common. She is an Oxford graduate and ex-wife of Boris Jonson Mayor
of London. Amongst the other members of Minhaj-ul-Quran London were present included
Mr. Sajid Hussain, Mr. Usman Ghani, Mr. Ali Khan, Mr. Baber Javed Butt.
Reported: Aftab Baig