Minhaj-ul-Quran International is striving for promotion of peace, tolerance and
social integration under the dynamic leadership of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad
Khawaja Muhammad Nasim, president MQI Austria, called on Austrian Interior Minister Madam Fekter last week. The core theme of this round-table discussion was “Social Integration of Muslims in Austria”. Remarkable thing of this discussion was that President of Minhaj-ul-Quran Austria was the only representative from Pakistani Muslim Community who was invited by the minister to exchange views with her on the subject.
First of all the participants were welcomed by Interior Minister Fekter who also elaborated the theme. The representatives of several Islamic Organizations expressed their views. Before inviting Khawaja Muhammad Nasim, the lady minister acknowledged the remarkable struggle for restoring peace & welfare of humanity carried on by Minhaj-ul-Quran International worldwide.
Khawaja Muhammad Nasim explained the significance of peace, love & tolerance in Islam. Referring to sayings of Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him), he said that a person harmful to others either by his hands or tongue cannot be regarded as a Muslim. Islam condemns & forbids all kinds of violence & terrorism.
He also brought into light the worldwide struggle for achieving peace, promoting interfaith harmony and dialogue and inter-cultural tolerance in several human societies, a sacred mission undertaken by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri & Minhaj-ul-Quran International.
Khawaja Nasim also introduced the newly established Minhaj Educational & Cultural centre Austria and assured the Minister that this centre would play a positive role in maintaining peace & social integration of Muslims through spreading education & awareness. On this occasion, Khawaja Nasim also demanded a national holiday on Eid day and Eid Milad-un-Nabi (peace be upon him) day which was noted down by the Ministry.
In the end, Lady Minister Madam Fekter thanked all participants of round-table meeting with the hope that such positive & constructive discussions with liberal, democratic, open-minded and peaceful organizations will continue in the future too. The participants enjoyed the ceremonious dinner hosted by the Minister.
This round-table conference was covered by many national newspapers & media which speaks volumes about the contributions MQI is making in promoting human integration and peace in the world.