On behalf of Dr. Hassan Mohiuddin Qadri, the Minhaj Youth League (MYL) Bahrain delegate visited the Majlis of Senator HE Sheikh Adel Abdulrehman Almawdah to present the publication of al-Mawsua al-Qadiriyya.
Additionally, HE Jameel Mulla Hasan, Member of Parliament, was presented with the dissertation Dustur ul Madinah by Dr. Hasan Mohiuddin Qadri.
The contributions of both dignitaries were highly acknowledged and appreciated, with a focus on current societal needs.
Finally, a signed copy of Dustur ul Madinah was handed over to HE Jameel Mulla Hasan to be presented to the Speaker of Parliament, HE Sheikh Ahmed Bin Salman Almusallam.