The event was attended by the executive members of the UK including 38 tanzeemaat and over 400 executive members from across the UK.
President Minhaj Women League UK Nasreen Akhtar gave introduction of her team members which Dr Ghazala appreciated and said that success behind every dimension of dawah work through MWL UK is because of the collective team efforts, for which she specifically appreciated the contributions of the executive team, social media team, zonal executives, Irfan ul Hidayah and Treasure of Knowledge team of Minhaj Women League UK.
Upon their great performance and contributions throughout, MWL UK Tanzeemat were awarded Certificates of Appreciation by Dr Ghazala Qadri. She expressed great pleasure in their hard work and consistency in missionary lives.
While addressing the awards and recognition ceremony, Dr Ghazala Qadri provided a Tarbiyah session to give guidance for sisters for personal development and growth which will then also enable them to develop and improve their dawah work.
Dr Ghazala discussed the Tafsir of Surah al Ahzab (Verse 35) and explained in detail the attributes mentioned in the stated verse, in the form of a 10-point plan.
Amongst other points, Dr Ghazala mentioned, after becoming a Rafeeq, it is important to remain sincere and steadfast. She highlighted various qualities of believing men and believing women such as sincerity and steadfastness, obedience and discipline, being ready and willing to give up personal choice and instead submitting to the rules and obligations of the organization.
Dr Ghazala linked these attributes to the work of Minhaj ul Quran and guided sisters on how we can adopt these qualities within ourselves, and apply them to our personal lives and our organizational work within Minhaj Women League UK.
Dr Ghazala Qadri ended her speech by explaining that in order to achieve these attributes and maintain them, we need good company (Suhba), and we can achieve this by listening to Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri's lectures on a daily basis.
Towards the end, special Appreciation Awards were presented to sisters for their great work specially for the membership campaign, contributions to MWF, Orphan Care Complex, books sponsorship and for ideal Tanzeemat.