Nelson: MWL North Zone arranges Tajweed Course

With the grace of Almighty Allah, Minhaj Women League (MWL) North Zone Team organized a successful Tajweed Mubaligath Course for the North Zone's sisters. Thirty nine sisters from ten North Zone MWL chapters attended. The first class was held at the Minhaj-ul-Quran Masjid in Nelson. MWL Nelson served a light breakfast for all the participants.

Sister Ehram Fatima, MWL North Zone Deputy Secretary, carried out the registration of all the sisters. The sisters then offered Dhuhr prayer.

The class was taught by respected scholar Muhammad Zeeshan Qadri (MQI London). The class commenced with a motivational talk on the importance of gaining Islamic knowledge and the rewards associated with this act. He spoke about what 'Tajweed' is and asked the sisters for their thoughts around this. He highlighted the three main parts of 'tajweed':- the Letters 'huroof', the punctuation marks 'alaamaat' and the rules of recitation 'qawaa'id'. He also spoke briefly about the types of mistakes made when reciting the Qur'an without correct pronunciation and Tajweed. Some errors made with regards to the recognition or pronunciation of the Arabic letters and punctuation marks are major mistakes and are thus forbidden 'haraam'. Errors made with regard to the rules of recitation are minor and are thus disliked by Allah SWT. This reinforced the sisters’ desire to improve their Arabic recitation.

The learning objective was to refine the pronunciation of the Arabic alphabet. Muhammad Zeeshan modelled the correct pronunciation of all the letters with tips on how each letter is pronounced. The sisters practiced in congregation to allow a group assessment to be carried out.

Handouts were distributed among all the sisters. These separated the letters into four categories: letters pronounced with a full mouth and an empty mouth, soft and hard letters. All the sisters then practiced the pronunciation of these letters, after they had been modelled. A group activity was set, the sisters used the last six passages from the Irfan-ul-Qur'an to identify and correctly recite the 'letters' in each word.

Scholar Muhammad Zeeshan highlighted the importance of observation of others during recitation of the Irfan-ul-Qur’an. To develop this skill he recited the letters from the passage ‘Lahab’ and mispronounced some, to allow the sisters to recognize the mistakes and reinforce their learning. Homework was set to embed the learning from the class, before ending his session.

Asr Salah was offered by all the sisters. Sister Ghulam Fatima, MWL Nelson President, continued the class by leading the practice of the Arabic alphabet by modelling the correct recitation. She also further explained how the letters are correctly formed and pronounced.

The sisters provided feedback to Mrs. Nasreen Akhter, MWL North Zone President, voicing that the lesson's learning objectives had been met and Scholar Muhammad Zeeshan had been effective in his teaching to better their Arabic recitation.

MWL Nelson were very hospitable and served lunch to all the participants.
