the 23rd of October 2015, Minhaj Women League (Walsall) organised a Halqa e Durood
at Sister Kausar Shah's house. Sister Lubna Hashmi (General Secretary) recited a
beautiful verse from the Glorious Quran with Urdu translation, after which Durood
Shareef was recited silently by all sisters. Sister Lubna Hashmi and SisterTasawar
praised Our Beloved Prophet (SAW) in the form of Nasheeds.
Sister Mussarat Hussain (General Secretary MWL UK) gave an amazing speech explaining the Sura Ahzab – from verse number 51 till 53. Sister Shazia Naz carried out a presentation on Minhaj Dawah Project (MDP) and informed all about new books and lectures of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, which were available on stall. The gathering came to an end with Salaat-o-Salaam on our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) and the heart touching Dua by Sister Shahnaz Fareed.
Reported by Saika Azhar (Welfare secretary MWL Walsall)