France : Event marking New Year Resolutions held under Minhaj Sister League

On the 25th of December 2016, by the Grace and the Blessings of Almighty Allah and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon Him), Minhaj Sister League (MSL) organised an event named « New Year Resolutions in the light of the Sira of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) » at Minhaj-ul-Quran, La Courneuve.

It was an event only for young sisters. The aim was to remind them of why we were created, what’s the purpose of our life in this world, and to get some remedies and tips to add on our 2017 Year’s Resolutions checklists.

The event was hosted by sister Rehana, President MSL France. It started by Quranic listening of Surah Ad-Dukhaan in arabic with french translation, followed by a beautiful Hamd recited by sister Samreen and Nasheeds recited by Mahera, Nafissa, Anissa.

A clip of 10 minutes by Shaykh ul Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri on the Importance of the Love of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in our lifes was played.

Mrs Sumaira Faisal was the chief guest of this beautiful event. She delivered an amazing and heartfelt speech on the Sira of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his behaviour, his Sunnah and gave us tips to apply on our daily life to get closer to Almighty Allah and His Beloved (PBUH).

The gathering ended by salutations upon Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Mrs Sumaira Faisal She concluded the programme with Dua.

Snacks were served to all attendees.

Overall, it was a very educational event which required some tought and push to mull it over and take action to start the year 2017 with good resolutions. This event was needed, to get some tips on how to balance our worldly and other worldly life, how to increase our inner beauty which is the only beauty that Almighty Allah sees and that’s the beauty which is long lasting.
