the 3rd November 2015, Minhaj-ul-Quran Women’s League Walsall carried out their
weekly Halqa-e-Durood at Sister Mussarat Hussain’s (General Secretary MWL U.K) house,
The Halqa began with recitation of Durood Shareef. Tilawat was recited from The
Glorious Quran. Everyone listened to a lecture by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammed Tahir-ul-Qadri
titled "Zikr-e-Hussain". The video speech was followed by beautiful Nasheeds by
Sisters Sadia Bibi, Zahra Hussain, Kalsoom Hussain and Iram. The Halqa-e-Durood
was concluded with Zikr by Sister Zahra Hussain and heart touching Dua by Sister
Shahnaz Fareed.
Reported by Saika Azhar (Welfare secretary Walsall)