Italy: Milad-un-Nabi (SAW) Conference held under MQI (Carpi)

The Milad-un-Nabi (peace and blessings be upon him) Conference was organised by Minhaj ul Quran International (Italy Carpi) on the occasion of 12th of Rabi ul Awal. The proceedings of the event started with the recitation of the Holy Quran and Hamd by Sister Layba Gulzar, who has been gifted by Allah (SWT) with a beautiful voice. The Conference was attended by a large number of participants from Indian, Pakistani and Italian community, with their hearts filled with love of our Beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

Brother Ahmed Ali and Zeeshan Ahmed recited the praises on the Holy Prophet (saw) in the most beautiful and eloquent manner. With their angelic voices they mesmerized and moved the audience to tears with the remembrance of the beloved Prophet (saw). They recited heart touching Naats in Urdu and Punjabi.

The Naat Khwaan Hafiz Muhammad Mouzam presented excellent and heart-touching Nasheeds in relation to the birthday of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

AIlama Atiq Ahmed, who is the Director of the MQI Denmark, also addressed the participants present at the event. He explained the mission of MQI and emphasized the significance of establishing and sustaining the link of love with our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). He extended a warm invitation to all present to reach out to more members in the community. He also emphasized the importance of mothers in upbringing their children with the reference of Quran and Hadith.

A large number of children and women also were present in this prestigious conference. The guests were served with Milad feast at the conclusion of the programme.

